Rates are accurate as of: March,11,2025

For current information call the Credit Union at 972-259-1233. The Truth-In-Savings Account Disclosures and Rate and Fee Schedules set forth certain conditions, rates, fees, and charges applicable to your accounts at Irving City Employees Federal Credit Union and are incorporated as part of your Membership and Account Agreement with us.

Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
.025% .025% $25.00 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
.010% .010%
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
.010% .010%
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
.025% .025% No minimum balance requirements
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
.050% .050% $500
$25/year fee if balance falls below $500

*The rates appearing in this disclosure are the prospective rates the Credit Union anticipates will be paid for the current dividend period. Please refer to the Truth in Savings Account disclosures for more information.

***You must maintain the disclosed average daily balance in your account to obtain the annual percentage yield. The dividend rate corresponding to the average daily balance obtained for the period will be paid on the entire balance of your account.

Term Share Certificate Rates as of: March,11,2025

Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
4.400% 4.473% $1,500 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
4.350% 4.421% $1,500 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
4.200% 4.060% $1,500 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
3.750% 3.906% $1,500 to open**

Jumbo Term Share Certificate Rates as of: March,11,2025.

Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
4.450% 4.525% $20,000 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
4.100% 4.163% $20,000 to open**
Dividend Rate* Annual Percentage Rate Minimum Balance Requirements
3.850% 3.906% $20,000 to open**

**Minimum balance required to open the account. You must maintain the minimum opening balance to maintain the Account.

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

Telephone: (972) 259-1233
Toll Free: (844) 561-2754
Fax: (972) 254-0849
ICECUBE/Audio Teller: (866) 301-1492

Card Services

Lost/Stolen Credit Card: (866) 820-6974
Lost/Stolen ATM/Debit Card: (800) 500-1044

1408 W. Pioneer Dr.
Irving, TX 75061-7114

Email: info@icefcu.com

Office Hours

M/T/TH: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wed: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Connect With Us